Sponsorship Information
TML has updated our sponsorship levels and benefits to bring even more value to the companies that support our mission. Review the materials in the link below to see all that TML is offering to connect your company with Tennessee's municipal leaders and decision makers.
TML Sponsorship Guide
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Sign up to be a Sustaining Member Sponsor today!
Contact TML Marketing & Member Services Director Debbie Kluth at (615) 425-3908 or dkluth@tml1.org
Renewing Your Sponsorship?

We are a property damage claims management firm that focuses on helping cities recover funds for damages to public property caused by traffic accidents.
We have a very unique service that does not require any cost to the city, effort from the city or use of its resources. Our service is hands-free and generates a monthly revenue stream for each of our clients. We perform the entire claims process and recover all funds for the client, leaving them with only the task of receiving a single month check and report that reconciles the payment.

REACH Alert is a communication platform that allows clients to immediately share timely information with residents, employees, students, customers, etc. You type a single message and REACH Alert will deliver it as a text message, voice call, and/or email notification. You can communicate with your entire city, or with a click of the mouse, with specific street(s), individual address(es), or even unique individuals.
You can form as many groups as you wish (Neighborhood Watch, police, utility customers, municipal employees, Chamber of Commerce) and immediately communicate with them.
Easy and intuitive to use - training typically takes 20 minutes. Effective - share information within seconds. Economical - most competitive price among national providers. As a TML member, special discounts are automatically provided.
With REACH Alert, you will never be out of touch with your residents!

The Tennessee Drug Card is a way to provide FREE prescription benefits to residents of your city. There are no income requirements, no age requirements, no forms to fill out, no expiration date, and no activation required. Contact Natalie if your community would like to have FREE customized cards for your residents and employees.

VC3, TML's Preferred Technology Partner, offers a full-range of technology solutions and cybersecurity services to local government organizations. As the well-established technology partner for more than 1,000 cities, towns, municipal leagues and regional planning agencies, VC3 can leverage its expertise to ensure your municipality utilizes technology to better serve your residents.

Formed during the hard insurance markets of the 1970s, Public Entity Partners came to the aid of Tennessee municipalities when the commercial industry abandoned local governments.
With Staff experience in local government, as well as the commercial insurance industry, we pride ourselves in providing exceptional service to our members. Our staff includes past city managers, city recorders, and building inspectors, as well as insurance professionals with decades of experience.
We are able to relate to governmental entities because we work with them on a daily basis and we understand the unique challenges they face. We strive to be a valuable resource.
While Public Entity Partners has seen many changes over the years, our mission has never wavered. Our mission continues to be to passionately provide the very best in Risk Management products and services, expert claims administration and comprehensive insurance options with absolute integrity.

The Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund (TMBF) creates and administers loan programs for local governments. These programs are designed to minimize borrowing costs while also offering maximum flexibility. Loans are available for most types of government projects regardless of size. TMBF is owned by the cities and towns of Tennessee and is committed to being the most cost-effective financing source.