Some people claim that the story of RockAsphalt© begins in 1885 when the Lathe Carbon Company first mined bitumen outside of Uvalde, Texas. Others argue it wasn’t until the early 1890’s when the city of San Antonio used bituminous Anacacho limestone to pave downtown Crockett Street. Still others say the story only really starts in 1928, when cold-mix-cold-laid asphalt began to be shipped to New York City, Philadelphia, and other northeastern states to compete against natural bitumen materials imported from Trinidad.
But we like to think the history of RockAsphalt© began with a rancher, a trainload of cattle, and some loose fence posts.
It started when rancher, J. G. Smyth, started digging fence posts on his land in southwest Uvalde County. The rock in the ground would gush with oil, almost like something you’d see out of The Beverly Hillbillies. Cowboys also knew about the unique properties of the rock, often adding it to their fires to keep the flames going long through the night. While this made digging fence posts more frustrating for Smyth, what he discovered was essentially a miracle. A low-lying oil field was shoved in the above layer of Anacacho limestone, naturally infusing the rock with the exact percentage of oil needed to create a perfect asphalt road.
When the Missouri Pacific Railroad would stop by Smyth’s ranch to feed and water cattle on the way to market, the cattle’s hooves would erode the dirt paths surrounding the pens, causing the fence posts to lean and fall down. It was then that J.G. Smyth had an idea. Smyth instructed his ranch hands to retrieve some of the rock from his ranch and place it in the eroded areas of the cattle pens to help straighten the loose fence posts. Over time, as the cattle walked over the rock, it began to pack into a hard surface.
Smyth thought this would make an excellent road material, and the rest is history.
The deposit we mine in the southwest corner of Uvalde County is one of the largest natural asphalt formations in the world, and the bitumen-imbued limestone creates a unique asphalt repair that can’t be replicated.
That’s why countless cities and states rely on all-natural RockAsphalt©. Since 1895, hundreds of millions of tons of natural rock asphalt have been shipped to municipalities and industrial clients all across the United States. But the biggest and most loyal customer over the last hundred years?
The Texas Department Of Transportation.
There’s a reason state DOT’s and municipalities have trusted our material to pave highways, runways, and other critical infrastructure for over a century. If you’re looking for a durable, high-performance asphalt, we promise you won’t find anything better anywhere. And our family’s been mining and producing natural asphalt for over five generations, so we take that promise seriously. Providing our clients with one-of-a-kind RockAsphalt© is a family tradition around here — and one we’re proud to uphold.

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